


Carbon Neutral, Carbon Footprints and DEFRA

Burning wood is better in environmental terms as the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is the same as that absorbed by the tree during growth making it carbon neutral. It is also a renewable resource, particularly when derived from plantations and cultivated woodland. Herts Woodburners have a number of local wood suppliers that supply wood around the county. 

A lot of our stoves are made in the UK and are DEFRA Clean Air Act approved, helping to protect you, your children and the environment that we live in.

For further details you can call us on 01462 372030 with your particular requirements
carbon neutral world, carbon footprint, DEFRA
cut logs
Choosing the right Fuel

Logs should be seasoned to give best results when burning in a log burner, woodburner or multi-fuel stove. Ideally they should be stored for over 2 years to achieve a moisture content below 20%.

This will not only give up to twice the output of freshly felled timber but help avoid a build up of tar in your flue. Furthermore, if you can obtain hardwood logs this is better still, as they will have around twice the calorific value of softwoods.

We also sell moisture meters. 
Saving you Money

By lowering your carbon footprint by switching some of the ways you heat your home you will reduce the amount of gas, electricity or oil you have to buy. 

It will save you money, especially with the recent increases in costs for other heating fuels. Buying and installing a woodburner, log burner or multi-fuel stove in Norfolk helps save money on Gas, electric and oil.

Hearts Woodburners have a number of local wood suppliers that supply wood around the county. 

For further details you can call us on 01462 372030

piggy bank - saving money on woodburner fuel
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